“A peasant hoe, not described by any philosophers, works as it should” (Umberto Eco)

Monday, May 29, 2023

US Memorial Day: The Sounds of War Echo

To our friends and partners in the United States of America... The sounds of war echo around us, and news of casualties frequently arrives at our doorsteps. It often feels like a dark and hopeless time. Yet even amid this strife, we remember that a great cloud of witnesses surrounds us: the saints and martyrs who have run the race of faith before us. They cheer us on as we continue the fight for justice and righteousness. The sacrifices of the fallen remind us that freedom is a prize that must be continually won.

On this Memorial Day, we also remember the "cloud of witnesses" from Hebrews 12 who have gone before us and now surround us as we run the race of faith: «Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus.»

We live in a world where war is an ever-present reality, and our fallen heroes are a testament to the courage and dedication of those who have gone before us. While we grieve the loss of our loved ones, we are strengthened by the knowledge that their legacy will live on in our hearts and in our actions. The cloud of witnesses calls to us: «Be strong and persevere! You do not struggle alone. Fix your eyes on the Author and Perfecter of our faith, Who endured the cross for the joy set before him. Take up your cross daily, and follow in His way.» 

Though the road ahead is uncertain, we find courage, knowing that the Lord of Hosts fights for us in this reality and the spiritual one. His love pierces through the fog of war. His eternal arms sustain us through each trial and loss. The battle belongs to the Lord. The dead in Christ shall rise first. Though they have passed from our sight, they live on, waiting for the final victory over the last enemy. May their memories spur us on to continued faithfulness, relying on the One who is able to keep us from falling. The God of Peace will soon crush the Ancient Enemy under our feet.

On this day of remembrance, we give thanks for the cloud of witnesses who have lightened our path. We honor their sacrifice and hold fast to the hope of resurrection in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Let us honor their memory by continuing to run our own race with perseverance, keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. Let us also pray for peace in Ukraine and other countries torn by the war, that the sacrifices of those who have gone before us may not be in vain. May we never forget the cloud of witnesses who have paved the way for us, and may we always strive to live our lives in a way that honors their memory and brings glory to God.

For those of us living in Ukraine with ongoing full-scale war, this cloud of witnesses includes our own family members, friends, colleagues, and fellow citizens who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our freedom. They have run their race of faith with courage and endurance, standing as a testament to the power of sacrifice and love. Our mission has not changed. May peace be with us as we continue to fight for justice and righteousness, keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus and relying on the strength and comfort of the great cloud of witnesses who surround us.
Taras N. Dyatlik, Ukraine
29 May 2023

Friday, May 26, 2023

We are all vulnerable to pain and hardship

Today is the 26th of May. Thirteen massive and brutal Russian missile attacks on Ukraine and various major cities have left the country in a state of constant terror. The attacks occur every other night, usually under the cover of darkness, shattering the peace that we all long for. The blaring sirens outside your window prevent you from sleeping peacefully like your dog does, leaving you feeling exhausted and drained in the morning.

The impact of war on the human spirit is profound, and it is impossible to suffer perfectly. Even Christ, the epitome of strength and resilience, experienced moments of despair, despite never once faltering in His commitment to His mission. Suffering is a universal human experience that is both deeply personal and profoundly transformative. While suffering not perfectly... we remain made in His image... even if we cannot always reflect His image at specific steps from Gethsemane to Golgotha... It reminds us that we are made in the image of God and that we are all vulnerable to pain and hardship.

In times of suffering, it's natural to want to retreat into ourselves and hide from the world. But as humans made for community, we learn to resist this temptation and reach out to others who are also struggling. In doing so, we embody the image of God and minister to one another, finding solace and comfort in our shared pain and fellowship.... Reach out to others in your suffering... who are also hurting on the way to Eternity through the Valley of Death at the Silent Planet... Reach out to others in your anguish. Our shared agony produces fellowship amid the war, even though it may sound peculiar...

Do not despair in your suffering: moments of doubt and anguish are human, as we remain made in His image... Our suffering is temporary, even if it takes a dozen years... even though it is painful... God created us for Eternity, ultimately... As we cry out to Him in our pain and despair, we are free to be human, expressing who we are, and what we experience and feel... only in that humanity can we find comfort and peace in His love and grace...

Suffering leads us to personal growth and transformation. It is the Way Up... When we face who we are in the war context or arduous circumstances, we can learn about the distance between God and us that His love and grace cover as the Bridge... The way to Golgotha is the Way Up, not Down.. The Way Down is from the Cross through our Death on the Way to Resurrection... While we are alive and suffering, it is the Way Up... Even if someone else is carrying your cross to the place of your crucifixion... As a human being in the image of God, I am called to grow and mature on the Way Up continually... to become more like Him... even in suffering... even in death... even in the resurrection...

Remaining human in the image of God means acknowledging our vulnerability and limitations while also recognizing the inherent dignity and worth of every human being. It means responding to suffering with compassion, empathy, and a willingness to help those in need: on the way to Golgotha, Jesus noticed weeping women and stopped to comfort them... As human beings made in the image of God, we are called to follow Christ's example of this sacrificial love: amid our pain and struggles to pay attention to those who.... suffer less than we do.... 

We look for lessons in our suffering that we can write in our Road Journal. Difficult times shape and mold our character, strengthen our faith through overcoming doubts, and teach us compassion through paying attention to those who suffer less... or more... As human beings in the image of God, we are called to trust in His promises and to look forward to the day when He will wipe away every tear, which so many people do not see because of their joy, or because of our blood... 

We suffer imperfectly, but... with God's help, we persevere... we will persevere... Our Mission has not changed... Peace be with you, and I wish you a Silent Night.. 

-- -- 

Taras N. Dyatlik, Ukraine

26 May 2023

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Оголене коріння

Сьогодні я вийшов на невелику прогулянку до лісу, недалеко від місця, де ми проводимо весняну сесію миротворчого проекту "Діалог в дії". Я довго стояв біля цього дерева, торкався руками його оголеного коріння, розмовляв з ним. Хочу поділитися з вами тим, чим дерево поділилося зі мною. Шануймося ❤️

Monday, May 8, 2023

Щодо цитування Святого Письма

Щодо цитування Святого Письма путіним та пропагандистами демонічної ідеології "руzzкого міра", яку так бояться засудити практично всі віруючі росіяни, за виключенням окремих людей... Христа-Дитину зрадили саме люди, які дуже добре знали Святе Письмо, не пропускали богослужінь в Храмі, і вказали Іроду на геолокацію згідно з пророцтвами, де Його шукати. Стервенне цитування Святого Письма нічого не значить, як і заклики "нєт вайнє" без того, щоб засудити причини війни, тобто ідеологію "руzzкого міра" та етнічно-релігійний російський імперіалізм, і цілі війни - знищення української ідентичності, мови, культури, повернути в радянське "майбутнє"... Господь не говорить, що в усьому винен гріх, інакше б ні одна людина не понесла відповідальності, ні за що, а вся відповідальність була би виключно на гріху. Разом з тим, Бог говорить не про те, що Авель помер ("нєт вайнє!"), а про те, що Каїн вбив Авеля, конкретна людина вбила конкретну людину. І визнання цього факту та засудження вбивства, причин та цілей вбивства, це не питання політики, це питання Божественної моралі і етики... Біймося людей, які дуже добре знають Святе Письмо, але не здатні розпізнати присутність Самого Бога, у тому числі в іншому... Шануймося ❤
Тарас Дятлик, Україна
8 травня 2023

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Helping a Refugee Or an IDP vs. Assisting Them

Today I do not feel good.. would appreciate your prayers... at the same time, my sick mind continues to reflect on how the full-scale war has impacted me, my leadership in theological education, relief assistance, work, ministry, attitudes, etc. It is like an invitation to look inside through the broken windows of our souls.. I do not complain, I just open myself.. I still work very slowly on my two other diary drafts on brutal honesty vs. sensitivity, but today I want to share with you another note from my diary during the war.. it is about the difference between helping a refugee or an IDP vs. assisting them (an individual, a family, a widow, the orphans, etc.) to start the life of dignity anew... It is not to diminish your support... not at all.. it is my observation and reflection on my challenging and painful experience of working with the refugees since 2014 when russian invaded Eastern Ukraine first... 

There are several critical differences between simply giving refugees food, necessities, or financial supplies and providing comprehensive (holistic) support to help them rebuild their lives with dignity. It is like providing a meal and cloth (and it is a great blessing!) or walking with each of them through their stadium of suffering, recovery, and restoration to a life of dignity anew.. Currently, I am going through a very tough and painful stadium with two families of refugees with enormous challenges in their lives... Extreme challenges... Some of you received my email recently... 

The first difference is related to short-term vs. long-term impact. Providing temporary support helps address an immediate need, such as providing food or shelter. However, it does not provide a long-term solution to address displacement's root causes and consequences. Helping refugees rebuild their lives with dignity involves providing them with the tools and resources they need to become self-sufficient, support themselves long-term, and develop their ability to help in the same ways other refugees or IDPs.

The second critical difference for me is empowerment vs. dependency. Providing comprehensive support to refugees helps empower them to take control of their lives (it is not about being against the will of God...) and build a better future for themselves. It involves treating refugees as active agents of change rather than passive aid recipients. It is a dance of philanthropy, a tango of a donor and a needy... By giving refugees the tools they need to rebuild their lives, they can better take charge of their future. In contrast, simply giving money creates a dependency on aid and perpetuates a poverty cycle. Although giving is usually way cheaper than comprehensive support...

The third is about social integration vs. isolation. Refugees are often isolated and marginalized in their new communities. Comprehensive support helps them integrate into their new surroundings, local churches, and communities and build social connections, friendships... Simply giving money does not address these social, spiritual, and emotional barriers that refugees may face... The host community and local church need to learn how to be welcoming and inclusive of refugees (it is one of the research initiatives of the ScholarLeaders, by the way). It includes educating about refugees and their experiences and bringing diverse groups together for cultural, social, spiritual, and emotional exchange... The more included refugees feel, the more integrated they can become... Financial assistance can help refugees survive but will not enable them to fully integrate into their new communities for a life of dignity... 

The fourth critical and challenging area is mental health vs. physical needs. Refugees often face trauma and mental health challenges due to their displacement, being unrooted... Providing comprehensive support involves addressing these needs, in addition to addressing physical needs such as food and shelter. It involves providing active access to mental health services, counseling, and spiritual and pastoral care to help refugees cope with the trauma they have experienced because of the displacement... being unrooted... (The Overseas Council has supported for almost a year MH-Care group of counselors focusing on long-term mental health treatment of the refugees, soldiers, and IDPs..)

The fifth is very complicated for me as it challenges the difference between human dignity vs. charity (stigma). Providing comprehensive support is based on the principle of human dignity, which recognizes every individual's inherent worth and value. It involves treating refugees with respect and empathy rather than as charity cases, objects of philanthropy... Jesus fed not only those who listened carefully to his sermon. He fed all who were hungry... 5000... 4000 people.. But, on the other hand, there is an inherent growing stigma in being a constant recipient of charity with no other choice... Powerlessness generates vulnerability... Courage generates hope, even through brutal honesty, that finally will meet and kiss sensitivity... some day.. some place.. 

Thank you for supporting the Life of Dignity, and peace be with you, the Community of Hope, and wish you Silent Night,
Taras N. Dyatlik, UKRAINE
2 May 2023
433rd day of the ongoing full-scale russian war against Ukraine...