“A peasant hoe, not described by any philosophers, works as it should” (Umberto Eco)

Monday, September 11, 2023

About theology inlaid with political propaganda

#BeingHuman. Theology has traditionally been outside politics, but nowadays, the boundaries between them are increasingly blurred. I am not talking about political theology, but theology inlaid with political propaganda of the dehumanizing ideology of the "Russian world." It puts faithful theologians before a difficult choice: how to defend Christian values without succumbing to the temptation of political conjuncture. But are there any faithful theologians within Russia today who can resist the propagandistic mythological ideology of the "Russian world"?

In the era of globalization and the clash of civilizations, Russian "Red Christian thinkers," experiencing a post-imperial syndrome, are looking for ways to strengthen the position of their ideological version of Orthodoxy and even Evangelicalism on the world stage. However, an excessive emphasis on geopolitical ambitions substitutes theology for political ideology. They try to cling in various ways to integrative church and educational alliances to strengthen their influence in the spirit of the "Russian world" ideology that "things are not so clear" with the West and Christian civilization, justifying aggression, the destruction of the national identity of the other in Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, etc., and the murder of dissenters as a divine practice.

However, relying not on true theology (in the fundamental sense of this phenomenon) but on state mythology and popular anti-Western rhetoric, they replace fundamental theology with political illusions. Today, it is clear that public theological discussion in Russia is virtually banned, even in the classrooms of theological schools. Church ministers are frightened by the very possibility that someone may have different opinions from the Kremlin's propaganda and the ideology of the "Russian world," and many of them are offended by the very idea of learning to think independently of propaganda discourses focused exclusively on the Red Christian understanding of the phenomenon of the Kingdom of God.

The system of theological education is also under pressure from opportunistic considerations. The traditional attitude of searching for truth is replaced by the propaganda of "correct" views. Instead of critical reflection, there is dogmatism, and instead of searching for divine and theological truth, there is following propaganda and state authorities and narratives. Training in theological seminaries is conducted in accordance with the "correct" ideas about the "end times," "not everything is so clear," the need to defend traditional Christian values in the propaganda definition, and the Russian people wherever they are, even through aggression and murder. Students are taught either to remain silent or to accept the myth that Russia has a "divine messianic calling" to unite the entire Orthodox or Christian world under its leadership, even through aggression, torture, and murder.

Thus, the imposition of the political ideology of the "Russian world" under the guise of evangelical or Orthodox theology (which smacks of God-fighting communism and atheism) leads to the degradation of spiritual education in Russia. True theology cannot be a mouthpiece for political slogans or worldview doctrines of the "Russian world" and "let us make ___ great again." Its vocation is to serve the spiritual revival of society based on Gospel Christ-centered, not Russian imperialist ethno-religious ideals. It requires a dialog between the church, society, and the government, which the theological community in Russia has virtually abandoned.

Instead of preparing independent-minded theologians capable of seeking truth and engaging in dialogue, seminaries are preparing more and more people who are more obedient as leaders or silent concerning the state's communist-Christian dehumanizing propaganda that destroys the unity of the Body of Christ. It also destroys the very missionary nature of the Christian community in Russia, which is called to challenge dehumanizing ideologies, including the "Russian world," not to adapt to them and serve as their leaders in their country and beyond, including the occupied territories of sovereign countries such as Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova... Peace be with you ❤️
Taras Dyatlyk, Ukraine
September 11, 2023

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